Animal Glands Wanted

Animal Glands Wanted

Pricing as of 1-9-2025

Cash or Credit - Lenon Animal Lures has been a buyer of fresh animal glands since 1924!

Ship to:

Lenon Animal Lures - 231 S Court, Turner, Michigan 48765

Questions or before you ship call John Chagnon after 6:30 P.M. at 989-876-2646 or email

Lenon Animal Lures has been buying animal glands for over100 Years!  Thank You North American Trapper for supplying us with our main ingredient for our quality Super All Call and Nature Call Lures. 

We will send any trapper a FREE copy of Herb Lenon's Classic Trapping Dvd if you sell us more than $75.00 in Glands, Castor or Quill.  Limit one Free Dvd per household.

Pure Skunk Quill $14.00 per oz.

Beaver Castor Fully Dried $35.00 Per lb.

Beaver Castor Green $25.00 Per lb.

Beaver Castor Dried Powder $60.00 Per lb.

Beaver Castor is trimmed clean with no meat or fat attached to the castors.  

Coyote Glands $35.00 Gallon, Red Fox Glands $55.00 Gallon and Grey Fox Glands $60.00 Gallon, Badger Glands $60.00 Gallon, Otter Glands $60.00 Gallon  - Include anal glands, hock glands, urine bladder, sex organs and neck glands  Freeze Fresh Send to us in plastic jars with screw lids.

Mink Glands - Anal glands only.  Freeze fresh. $155.00 Per Gallon

Muskrat Glands - Spring Rats  Freeze Fresh $55 Quart


Please ship glands on Monday

Only fresh glands wanted

Beaver & Muskrat Carcasses Wanted 

Must be delivered frozen to our Michigan Address

Beaver Gutted Carcasses $1.50

Muskrat Gutted Carcasses 50 Cents

The following glands wanted only if traded for Lenon Lures Products

Weasel Glands $10.00 oz. Fresh Frozen

Trappers check out our Dvd's Video on Trapping Furbearing Animals Herbert Lenon's Trapping video 

Herbert Lenon and John Chagnon Trapping and Fur Handling Videos Dvd's

Purchase all of Lenon Lures and John Chagnon Videos and DVDS

Herbert Lenon and John Chagnon Trapping and Fur Handling Videos Dvd's

Ebay Deals on Trapping Supplies

Ebay carries all of Lenon Lures® products and is a great place to find deals on all kinds of used and new traps & equipment for coyote, fox, bobcat and wolf trapping at great prices. 

 Follow the links below to some more great trapping information on Lenon Lures website ...