Recommended Traps for Coyote Trapping
Recommended Sized Traps for Coyote Trapping
Coyote Traps are available in Coil Spring Traps, Long Spring Traps and Under Spring Traps by a number of different manufactures. Most foothold traps manufactured for coyote trapping today are the Coil Spring type traps. I still use my old long spring and under spring jump traps while coyote trapping and for a current buyer of coyote traps they are an alternative and available on the used trap market and on ebay.
I have used all of the following manufactures coyote traps Minnesota Brand Traps, Bridger Traps, and Duke Traps. On the used traps I prefer Blake & Lamb Number 4 Long spring trap and Number 3 Underspring Jump Traps for coyote traps all can be found on Ebay
When picking the size of coil spring traps, long spring and under spring jump traps to use for coyote trapping a number of variables come in to play.
1.) Temperature if you are trapping with above freezing and snow conditions I use a number 2 and 3 size traps for coyote trapping. Use Number 2, 3 and 550's if freezing conditions and snow conditions.
2.) You have to decide if you want closed jaw or offset jaws. Most coil spring traps will off you both. Normally I like offset jaws with the gap between the jaws; however on the MB-550 with the cast jaws I prefer the closed jaw for coyote trapping.
3.) Most coil spring traps are available with 2 coils or 4 coils. It is my experience that 2 coil traps are more than enough in strength for fox and coyote trapping. Also if they weaken from years of use one can turn them into 4 coil traps and they will be strong enough again.
5.) Every State has trapping regulations and it is your responsibility to make sure you are using a trap legal in your state.
One of my favorite traps is the MB-550 Closed Jaw Trap while trapping coyote in Michigan.
The following table will summarize some good choices for new and used traps for Coyote Trapping
Trap Size | Jaw Spread | Brand | Type | Available Jaws |
Minnesota Trapline Products | Currently | Minnesota Trapline Products | ||
550 | 5 1/2" | Minnesota Trapline Products | Coil Spring | OS & Closed |
650 | Check with Manufacture | Minnesota Trapline Products | Coil Spring | OS & Closed |
Bridger Traps | Bridger Traps | |||
1.75, 2, 3 | Various check with Manufacture | Bridger Traps | Coil Spring | OS & Closed |
Duke Traps | ||||
1.75, 2, 3, 550 | Various check with Manufacture | Duke Traps | Coil Spring | OS & Closed |
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