Book Elk Talk Your Guide to Finding Elk, Calling Elk, and Hunting Elk with a Rifle, Bow and Arrow or Camera
Book Elk Talk Your Guide to Finding Elk, Calling Elk, and Hunting Elk with a Rifle, Bow and Arrow or Camera
Elk Talk Your Guide to Finding Elk, Calling Elk, and Hunting Elk with a Rifle, Bow and Arrow or Camera
Book 224 Pages
Elk talk, the language, and “Elk Talk”, the book, together form the new revolution in the elk hunting world. Elk talk, the language, is a complete calling system of cow talk, calf talk, and bull talk which lures elk to within rifle, bow, or camera range. It works on all elk. It works in all seasons. And it worked in every part of the northern Rockies. “Elk Talk”, the book, tells you everything you need to know about this calling system. The book covers hunting strategies, and it describes the habitat and lifestyle of the premier big game animal in North America. This book is a must for the novice or veteran elk hunter. It increases your odds for success and your enjoyment of the elk hunting world.
Elk Talk
Calf Talk
New Life And New Sounds
Head for the High Ground
Bull Bunches and Cow Clans
The Rise and Fall of Antlers
Stetting the Stage
Getting Ready for the Rut
Elk In The Timber
Wallows and Rubs
Sparring and Fighting
Cow Talk
Making Elk Majic
Calling Cow, Calling Bull
The Universal Language
Learn To Listen
Making Sense Of Scents
The Sneak
Curiosity Kills The Elk
Calling Elk In The Early Rut
Bull Talk
Advertising By Bugle
The King And His Court
Bush Bulls
When, Where and How
Overbugling And Underbugling
Sunny, Cloudy, Uphill and Down
The Silent Bull
The Gang's All Here
Calling To The Gun
To Call Or Not to Call
Dead In Their Tracks
Reading The Signs
Stank Or Stalk
Map Work
On The Move Again
End Of The Trail
Once They're Down
Getting Them Out
Old and Young
Together For The Winter
Planning Next Season